Your child’s lifelong ally

Parenting is as hard as life itself. Watching our children face social issues that would have flattened us is hard. Being unable to provide proper food, clothing or the latest gadget is hard. Second-guessing ourselves and being judged by other parents is hard. Giving our best to growing children, only to find ourselves wondering how to start a conversation with them, is extremely difficult.

Being a lifelong ally, however, is not hard.

Many children work through daily struggles that others don’t face.

The relationships they need most are the ones they may appear to value the least.

And yet, they say:

“My mum’s my best friend.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without my dad.”

If we can’t possess the knowledge of experts, or the peace of the experienced, we should remember that we probably do still rise in the morning with the tools to make the biggest difference: all-weather love, unfailing presence and a steady flashlight to guide them out of the darkness.

Acknowledgement: Susan Bonifant

Kind Regards,
Mr. Ilker Temizkan